How to Keep Your Feet Healthy and Feeling Great All Summer

Just as you are conscientious about keeping your skin from burning and staying hydrated in the summer months, it is important not to neglect your feet. Your feet take a beating in the summer, between being in shoes all day without much chance to breathe, and going bare foot or in flip flops.

Keeping your feet on their toes is a great way to keep the rest of your body in alignment as well.

Healthy Feet Mean a Happy Body

There are many ways to keep your feet healthy. Remember, your feet work hard, so take some time to take extra care of them!

Natural foot scrub – Take a 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil mixed with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and ½ cup of kosher salt. Mix together well. You can add more olive oil if needed. Place the scrub all over your feet, especially concentrating on the heels. Rub thoroughly for several minutes, rinsing with warm water.

Sugary sweet foot scrub – Take ¼ cup of sugar,5 drops of eucalyptus oil, ¼ cup of almond oil, and some of your favorite moisturizer if desired. Mix together well and spread all over the feet. Do not forget in between the toes, and concentrate on the heels. Rinse thoroughly in a foot soak first and in the shower or tub thereafter.

Foot smoothie – Mix oatmeal, olive oil, baking soda, and water together to form a paste that will give your wounded warriors a lot of moisture. Just spread the paste all over your feet, relax for 10 minutes, rinse well and pat dry. Put moisturizer and cotton socks on overnight and your feet will feel soft and smooth in the morning.

Soak Your Tootsies

Sometimes you may not be in the mood or have the time to do a foot scrub, so soaking your tired tootsies is good enough.

·      Add ½ cup of baking soda and ½ cup of Epsom salts to a basin of very warm water. Soak your feet for as long as you like. You will notice that your feet will be rejuvenated and refreshed instantly.

·      A combination of milk, warm water, and a little almond oil is perfect for soothing and moisturizing your feet.

·      Eucalyptus oil, warm water, and baking soda also make a relaxing yet invigorating foot soak.
